Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Male's Use of Emoticons

It's discussed on The Hairpin.

From the piece...

My face is set in a neutral expression as I type this, probably too dull to merit an emoticon. Let’s say I was smiling, though, or even laughing. Let’s say I was laughing so hard that part of my ass literally came off, on account of all the calories expended. You wouldn’t know it unless I mentioned it. Right now I’m conveying meaning through words only — complete, unadorned sentences. In other words, I’m conducting myself in the manner apparently most befitting a man.

It has increasingly come to my attention that a lot of women consider the male usage of emoticons and LOL to be at best a ‘pet peeve,’ and at worst a ‘total dealbreaker.’ As someone who takes a spirited interest in the evolution of language, and conducts feverish, Talmudic research into what women find objectionable, I thought the matter could use some further scrutiny. What exactly is the problem here, and how bad is it?

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